Time Savers

I still glance through the obituaries in the Globe, and I came across one for Peggy Freydberg, 107. She was a poet, and this poem of hers resonated with me: Blizzard It takes courage to...


The Younger Generation

You have probably gotten the sense that I am proud of my three daughters. But I am also proud of my nieces and nephews. The two third graders have personalities that make them predestined...


Layers, Part I

Wearing easily removable layers is extremely important for a woman of my age. There are only a few times when this doesn’t do the trick: When I’m driving. When I’m sleeping. When there is...


A Home Improvement

While working at the condo, I got the itch to go beyond the constant home maintenance and DIY phases in our own house and venture into the major home improvement category. I couldn’t take the...



Dave has been doing quite a bit of traveling lately. In fact, he has been gone 4 out of 5 weeks. So he told me to head up to the lake by myself this weekend...


Winter Damage, Part 2

Nicole had soccer practice last night. In Holliston. Which is an hour’s drive away from us down 495, a highway that scares me. (The insanity of the fact that she has practice an hour...


Winter Damage

The snow has melted enough in the corner of the deck (and nowhere else) to determine that the deck was not damaged by the falling ice dam. However, the frame of the table was...


Easter Weekend

The weekend started Friday morning when Nicole made breakfast for her boyfriend, Connor. When the two of them went out to eat that night, Dave and I had the leftovers from the last time they had...


Should I?

I miss the condo. My brother got an offer within a week, and it looks like the sale is going to go through the end of this month. So, on Monday, I picked up...



Teenagers. Specifically, teenage girls. Can you think of one you like (other than your own, maybe)? Now put yourself in their shoes. How would it feel if you thought no one liked you? Especially...