
I don’t want to believe that a police officer would shoot and kill an unarmed teenager.

I don’t want to believe our justice system is capable of failing.

I don’t want to believe a teenager would threaten an officer to the point of having him fear for his life.

I don’t want to believe officers aren’t better equipped and/or trained to deal with those situations.

I don’t want to believe how media can partially investigate and twist an event in a rush to sensationalize it.

I don’t want to believe that people feel the need to cause destruction after certain events. Like when the home team loses, or even wins, a championship.

I don’t want to believe that people are capable of spewing such vitriol on the Internet and demonstrating such a lack of empathy and understanding.

I don’t want to believe …

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1 Response

  1. Pauline says:

    but…..I do….so troubling…

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