Yearly Archive: 2014


2014 Favorites

In 2014, I’ve written 80 posts (79 published and 1 draft I haven’t been given permission to publish). I can’t get over the nagging feeling that it has been a huge waste of time,...


Weekend Wrap-up

We wrapped up the weekend with more eating, some bowling, and a little football. Even though we had plenty of fat and sugar-laden dishes in the house, we went out to eat Saturday night...


The Day After

It’s all over for another year. Thank goodness. Don’t get me wrong. It was fun. But enough is enough. First there is the shopping. I believe I’ve hinted I’m not much of a shopper....


Lives Not Lived

I recently read a post on Facebook by a woman who was feeling down because she was not making the world a better place. My first instinct was to tell her to lighten up. But who...


On The Road Again

It’s been a couple months since my last venture outside of Massachusetts. This weekend I traveled down to D.C. with Heather to see Meagan. Heather and I were lucky to make it alive out of Logan...


Fun for the Whole Family

It’s getting to be that time of year… Time for the annual family calendar. My sister Joanne started the tradition for Christmas 2001. It was so well received that it somehow grew into her producing an annual family...


If Found

Ever since the kids were little, I’ve never gone to the trouble of pairing the socks that come out of the dryer. That’s because the kids always blindly reached into their sock drawer, grabbed two, and...


Thanksgiving Break

Don’t get me wrong – I very much enjoy peace and quiet. But it always takes me a little while to get use to it after a few days like we’ve just had. It...



I don’t want to believe that a police officer would shoot and kill an unarmed teenager. I don’t want to believe our justice system is capable of failing. I don’t want to believe a...