Tagged: Weekends


In Search of a Common Goal

A large portion of the Excellente crew got together in North Carolina this past weekend. The excuse for the get-together was the Panther’s/Patriots’ pre-season game. Dave had gone last year, and my brother-in-law Matt...


Another DC Weekend

  We made another family trip to DC this past weekend. What a fun city. I always feel that we only see the tip of the iceberg when we are there. That might be...


The Next HONY

There is this photographer named Brandon who goes around New York photographing people in the city. In addition, he elicits from them some small snippet about themselves. This has turned into a very popular blog called...


A Path

Ground breaker. Trail blazer. Path finder. Or maybe just someone who has OCD when it comes to rocks (in addition to a few other things.) I’m not sure who got me started on this. Maybe...



What is undone in the fall is redone in the spring. Like the bushes. And the dock. And the shower floor. The bushes were the only thing that didn’t require human involvement. They did just fine on...


More College Visits

We visited a couple more colleges last week. It was really just an excuse to visit Meagan and take a family mini-vacation. We saw some sites – which are actually stunning in person. We...


Easter Weekend

The weekend started Friday morning when Nicole made breakfast for her boyfriend, Connor. When the two of them went out to eat that night, Dave and I had the leftovers from the last time they had...


Women’s Weekend

I’m too old to be considered a girl, and I don’t have enough social graces to be considered a lady. So, I’m calling it Women’s Weekend. Of course, “weekend” is also technically incorrect since...


A Brief Escape

I wrapped up work at the condo just in time for a getaway weekend to Charlotte (or, more specifically, Waxhaw), North Carolina to visit two of my sisters. The original plan was for Dave...


Weekend Wrap-up

We wrapped up the weekend with more eating, some bowling, and a little football. Even though we had plenty of fat and sugar-laden dishes in the house, we went out to eat Saturday night...