Tagged: Nicole


Time to Exhale

With Nicole, I’ve been more cognizant of lasts than I have of firsts. The last time being pregnant, the last time washing and folding onesies of a particular size, the last first day of...


She Did It

She is a high school graduate. There were times we weren’t quite sure that was going to happen. As a result of her experiences there, I can’t look at that high school with the...


A Wheaton Lyon

Nicole recently made the decision to attend Wheaton College (the one in Massachusetts, not the one in Illinois). This past Friday Dave, Nicole, and I went there for their day where they hosted accepted...


The Final Final

Dave and I have watched the girls play basketball for the past 15 years or so. I think we watched our last championship basketball game ever this past week. Here’s a short recap of those...


Senior Night

Saturday  was Senior Night for the high school soccer team. Well, technically it was Senior Morning. The original date for Senior Night was rescheduled because one of the Seniors got a red card at the game...


Grown Ups

My youngest turned 18 today. Last night she discovered there was no school today (I’m not quite sure why this was a surprise to her), so she asked if it was okay to have a...


Prom #5

While I may not have gone to my own prom, I’ve certainly made up for it since then. Between the three girls, there have been 5. So far. In 2008, I saw my first...


Human Development

Nicole is taking a Human Development class, and she needed my input on a class assignment. I thought our text exchange might be nice to share on Mother’s Day. Now, I discussed this text...


College Visits

I’m experiencing another last. This time it is looking at colleges. Since each of the girls have their own unique interests and personalities, each round of visits has involved going to new colleges. Between the...


Winter Damage, Part 2

Nicole had soccer practice last night. In Holliston. Which is an hour’s drive away from us down 495, a highway that scares me. (The insanity of the fact that she has practice an hour...