Tagged: Matt C



ICYMI stands for “in case you missed it”. I learned that as a result of spending so much time on the internet. In any event, here are some things that you might have missed....


Building a Wall

We will build a wall. And it will be a great wall. A huge wall. And we will build it using illegal rocks. And the purpose of the wall will not be to keep...


Blue Balls

Phil was moved to a rehab facility Thursday, and things continue to look up. Over the course of the past six weeks, we’ve been keeping immediate family members informed via a group text. There...


A Wheaton Lyon

Nicole recently made the decision to attend Wheaton College (the one in Massachusetts, not the one in Illinois). This past Friday Dave, Nicole, and I went there for their day where they hosted accepted...


Family Recipes

Back in 2008, my aunt and my cousin (both through marriage – none of us would have bothered to pull off something like the following) compiled and published a cookbook of family recipes. I’ve been glancing...


The Perfect Family

A bunch of us stuck around the Lake the week after the wedding for a family vacation. And by “bunch”, I mean we were too many to count. The bunch included a food-seeking missile of...


Hitched in a Barn

They were going for casual. They wanted it to be a simple party. But what my brother and newest sister-in-law pulled off was a very elegant wedding, whether they like it or not. She bought...



What is undone in the fall is redone in the spring. Like the bushes. And the dock. And the shower floor. The bushes were the only thing that didn’t require human involvement. They did just fine on...