Tagged: Copper


A Path

Ground breaker. Trail blazer. Path finder. Or maybe just someone who has OCD when it comes to rocks (in addition to a few other things.) I’m not sure who got me started on this. Maybe...



I do not like dogs. Maybe that’s a little strong. I recognize the wonderful companionship they can provide to those who do like dogs, and they can be pretty darn cute. Except when they...


Plan B

Foolish question – When does Plan A ever go into effect? My Plan A was to go up to the Lake and spend the day there. Plan B became hosting dinner for 19. Last year...


Decisions, Decisions

The three girls were all home for the weekend, and there were difficult decisions to be made and revisited. The original plan was to go up to the lake for Friday evening and Saturday,...


Rescue Dog

Nicole worries that I am disappointed in her. I try to convince her that is not the case. I may have made some headway with this conversation: (Nicole) Copper got into the food in...


Help in the Yard

Last weekend, I planted flowers. Meagan helped. These two did not: This weekend, Dave helped me by transplanting a bush. (Yes.) To the exact spot that I specifically pointed out to him and marked....