Flooring – Part 1

I’m reading a book on writing essays called Good Prose: The Art of Nonfiction where the authors say the essay writer “can have the most mundane of experiences and make something that surpasses them....


Family Time in May

Readers of this blog may have noticed I like my family. Not just my immediate family, but my extended family. During the month of May, I will have had four weekends of family time...



Another season of tennis is coming to a close. I tentatively joined the D7 team at Jupiter Country Club (JCC) as a sub in early 2018. I say tentatively because I was a little...

black and brown game cartridge 0

A Shot in the Arm

Since my father died, I have often thought about what he would think was most odd about today’s world. And that would definitely be the technology.  Specifically, the devices – laptops, tablets, cell phones,...


10 Days with Caleb

After spending ten days with Caleb, I am back in Florida. In total, I was away six weeks, and I am ready to be outside in the sun and on the tennis courts. And...


Letters to Caleb

February 25, 2021 Dear Caleb, I haven’t met you yet, but, as the saying goes, I love you to the moon and back. That’s because I know your Mom, and I happen to also...


While I Wait

Those of you who know me know I am an organizer and a planner. I have lists for everything. But how do you plan for an event that has an uncertain date in uncertain...