A Message to Reject

Lately, the message to women has been more than a little disheartening. First and foremost, the person who was somehow elected president, over a highly qualified woman, has groped women in the past and...


Quotes from the Persistent One

It’s a little alarming how much I’ve been hanging out with people lately.  People I don’t even know. And I’m learning their names. I think I’ve learned more names over the past few weeks...


Committees and Reports

Towards the end of my career, I told my friend/boss/co-worker that I didn’t want to be a manager. And I didn’t want to be a project leader. I didn’t want to lead period. I...


Trivial Fights

I listened to his speech to Congress. I had to, even though I didn’t want to. Even though it was painful. I have to know what he is saying so I know what I’m...



Guys. I’ve been going to meetings. With people. That is just so far outside my comfort zone. The first one was a virtual town hall with Niki Tsongas. Virtual meaning it took place over...


False Equivalence

First, let me ask you this. Did you see that press conference today? Oh my. How can anyone possibly feel comfortable with him as President? Seriously. If you haven’t seen any of it, please...


Could Have, Would Have, Should Have

I became disgusted with Michael Flynn as soon as I started reading about him just after Trump announced him as National Security Advisor. Back then I came across a tweet of his from a Twitter account he has...


Republican Senators Have To Go

As a result of these confirmation hearings, I have developed a deep loathing for Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senators. Oh, how I would love to “nevertheless” McConnell. The New York Times is maintaining...


She Persisted

She read a letter written by Senator Ted Kennedy. He told her to play nice. She read a letter written by Coretta Scott King. He told her to shut up. She was called for the...