Category: Job Search


Should I?

I miss the condo. My brother got an offer within a week, and it looks like the sale is going to go through the end of this month. So, on Monday, I picked up...


4 Months

It’s been four months since I left the work force. Since I’m still very much interested in finding an additional source of income, I keep thinking about why I was unhappy where I was...


A Busy Day

Where does the day go?In addition to the every day, mundane tasks of making phone calls, paying bills, driving to appointments, and cooking dinner, I managed to squeeze in the following: Did some “research”...


Job Opportunities

It has been a little over two months, and I haven’t talked about my job search. That’s because I haven’t done too much searching. But here are some possibilities that have popped up along...


A Teaching Moment

I often start conversations with my kids with “I read this article”.  That usually elicits a groan from them, so I’ll take my conversation starter here. I read this article entitled What Would it Teach...