Monthly Archive: June 2014



Heather, Kat, and Kasey have been friends since they were little, and they just graduated from college. We went to a party that Lydia and Vinnie (how great are those names?) hosted for Kat....


Free Table

I’ve made quite a bit of progress over the past couple weeks in removing clutter from the house. I don’t like just throwing stuff away, so I have a variety of ways of distributing...


Update on the Newlyweds

My mother and I visited my grandparents today. I’m happy to say they are still married, though there was quite a bit of bickering. Memere won each argument, but that might have been because...


A Slow Transformation

I’ve started changing Meagan’s bedroom from one decorated for a 12-year-old girl to one decorated for a tasteful adult. This will take a while. I decided to have Nicole spend one of her hours...


Happy Father’s Day…

To Phil, who took us all on as his own. And I mean all. He is stuck with us for good, no matter how curmudgeony he pretends to get. He has nicknames for each...


Memory Lane

I’ve been trying to get rid of some more clutter. I’ll have more on that at a future date, but I found it pretty amusing going through some old albums. I thought I would...


4 Months

It’s been four months since I left the work force. Since I’m still very much interested in finding an additional source of income, I keep thinking about why I was unhappy where I was...


Child Labor

The girls are going to see Beyonce again, and Nicole owes me for her ticket. So, I’ve been having her work around the house and yard. So far she has washed cabinets, cleaned the...


Help in the Yard

Last weekend, I planted flowers. Meagan helped. These two did not: This weekend, Dave helped me by transplanting a bush. (Yes.) To the exact spot that I specifically pointed out to him and marked....